
  1. Membership shall be open to women aged 18 and over.
  2. Membership fees shall be agreed at each AGM and the membership year shall be the same as the Financial year from September 1st to August 31st. Membership renewal will open on September 1st each year. Existing members will be sent two reminders, one each in September and October. Their names will be taken off the membership list if they have not renewed by October 31st. New and former members may join at any time during the year with their membership running until August 31st irrespective as to when they join.
  3. Only paid-up members are entitled to submit motions for, attend, speak at, vote and be elected to the Committee at Annual General Meetings or Extraordinary General Meetings.
  4. New and former members shall be entitled to attend two events organised by the Shed after which they must pay the agreed annual membership fee and complete the membership form in order to continue to participate.
  5. The Constitution of the organisation is agreed by all members and is available on request.


We would like to acknowledge the support received from HSE, An Siol Community Development Project and Dublin Northwest Partnership for funding and courses on setting up community groups.


CDETB Adult Education have provided trainers for DIY and Ceramics and Alone have run digital classes. We hope to set up more classes that are of interest to members


Meetings are held in Christ the King Day Centre and Cabra Parkside Community centre

Membership Benefits

We avail of group discounts for members for theatre outings and look out for further discounts

Local Business

We are grateful for the support of local businesses in the running of events.